member since October 30, 2017
  • $0.00 / $0.00 pending
  • 0.0 shares / 0.0 pending
  • Average purchase price: $5.25
  • Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Occupation: Student
  • Age: 30
  • Bio: Just wanted to fulfill my narcissistic need to control others, so I bought control of a human being.


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Completed Transactions

User Quantity From/To $/Share Value Closed
TubbyMcFutterBuns Sold 1.0 davehayden ☕️💯 $6.40 $6.40 almost 7 years
TubbyMcFutterBuns Sold 2.0 borg $6.40 $12.80 almost 7 years
rugger 💯 Bought 10.0 TubbyMcFutterBuns $5.75 $57.50 about 7 years
vpr 💯 Sold 10.0 TubbyMcFutterBuns $5.00 $50.00 about 7 years
davehayden ☕️💯 Sold 2.0 TubbyMcFutterBuns $6.45 $12.90 about 7 years
evil_homer Sold 1.0 TubbyMcFutterBuns $5.30 $5.30 about 7 years