member since March 29, 2013
  • $0.67 / $0.00 pending
  • 2.0 shares / 2.0 pending
  • Average purchase price: $6.83
  • Location: Bloomington, IL
  • Occupation: Student
  • Age: 33
  • Bio: Senior Economics and Accounting major at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloominton, IL. Will begin work with McGladrey-Chicago as a Hedge Fund Auditor in September.


Open Buy Offers


Open Sell Offers

Quantity $/Share Value
2.0 $7.00 $14.00

Completed Transactions

User Quantity From/To $/Share Value Closed
aaronpk ☕️🥨💯 Sold 1.0 zklalani $6.83 $6.83 about 6 years