member since March 28, 2013
  • $5.53 / $0.00 pending
  • 1.0 shares / 1.0 pending
  • Average purchase price: $14.80
  • Location: Fort Worth, Texas
  • Occupation: Architectural Engineer
  • Age: 47
  • Bio: I live in Fort Worth, Texas. 35yrs old. Recently had a massive stroke. Getting much better. Just trying to enjoy life. Why not try something like this it seems fun. I use to party like a rock star. Now I just want to be able to be happy like one that saved their money.


Open Buy Offers


Open Sell Offers

Quantity $/Share Value
1.0 $18.00 $18.00

Completed Transactions

User Quantity From/To $/Share Value Closed
valle Sold 1.0 bigfun35 $16.20 $16.20 almost 12 years
bigfun35 Sold 1.0 WinSolstice $15.23 $15.23 almost 12 years
azweig Sold 1.0 bigfun35 $13.40 $13.40 almost 12 years