Christian J. Templeton IV
member since November 04, 2015
  • $0.75 / $0.00 pending
  • 1.0 shares / 0.0 pending
  • Average purchase price: $4.20
  • Location: Delray Beach, Florida
  • Occupation: Military Veteran
  • Age: 99
  • Bio: I was born on a Monday February 15th, the same day they opened the Orpheum in L.A. I grew up in Royal Oak, Michigan to one of Ford's most trusted technicians my father Christian III, and my Irish catholic immigrant mother, Keira McKinley. I graduated high school and then decided to volunteer to the war effort as I was not sure if I wanted to continue my education at college. I fought in the tail end of WWII, and then thought it would be a great idea to continue my military education at The Citadel. I married in 1952 to italian immigrant Pasqualina Gambale whom I met in the small town of Taurasi in the province of Avellino during the war campaign. We had two kids Christian V and Kierston. I worked for a while at the Pentagon living with my new family in Arlington, Virginia. By the time the Korean conflict came around I was an established strategist and helped the war effort behind the scenes. After the Korean conflict I became increasingly interested in Asian herbal medicine as I saw the effects it had on wounded soldiers. I then partnered with an old friend in my cadet class at citadel, Curtis Clouse, to open acupuncture and aromatherapy spas around the Washington D.C. area. In 1998, I sold my business and moved with my wife to Florida. I now spend my summers traveling the Adriatic with my boat John Paul after the great pope, and spend my winters working on my golf game on our communities course.

Christian J. Templeton IV

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aaronpk ☕️🥨💯 Sold 1.0 Christian J. Templeton IV $4.20 $4.20 over 9 years