member since March 30, 2013
  • $2.68 / $0.00 pending
  • 2.0 shares / 0.0 pending
  • Average purchase price: $13.66
  • Twitter: @warchitecture
  • Location: London, UK
  • Occupation: Architecture Student
  • Age: 35
  • Blog: warchitecture.tumblr.com
  • Bio:
    Currently working on my Masters Architecture thesis at the Royal Colege of Art. The subject; what are the social, urban and architectural ramifications of an increasingly advancing capitalist society?

    Currently exploring a satirical project entitled, The Human Stock Exchange:

    Would you sell your grandfather to protect the value of your family? This is just one of a multitude of moral dilemmas you may be faced with in an era of full privatisation!


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Completed Transactions

User Quantity From/To $/Share Value Closed
Mr. Fazuku Sold 1.0 warchitecture $13.60 $13.60 over 11 years
ritchey ☕️💼 Sold 1.0 warchitecture $13.72 $13.72 over 11 years