Reset Coffee Habit
Posted on December 13, 2018
I came across this LiveJournal entry from 2007 that looks at the role caffeine can play in enhancing productivity.
It points out that "caffeine has a number of effects on the body, but the one that is relevant here is that it blocks adenosine receptors in the brain," which tricks your brain and "increases neuron firing rate and increases focus and concentration." Sounds pretty great!
But "caffeine tolerance builds up rather quickly (2-3 weeks)" and "over the long term, consistent caffeine consumption is as good as nonconsumption, because of (you guessed it) tolerance." But all is not lost...
"Periodic abstinence lets adenosine levels return to normal. With complete abstinence, it takes 5 days to reach adenosine normality." And I'm looking at the holidays and thinking, I have time for this... I could return to adenosine normality and the start the new year with coffee's full power!!!
On the other hand, that's going to be a pretty rough week... so maybe not? Also, this is all based on a LiveJournal entry from 2007, so maybe it's not even real?
Should I take five days and not have any coffee or caffeine?