Time To Leave The Party

Posted on July 10, 2016


The Republican party is gross. I’ve been a registered Republican since shareholder approval in April of 2010 and it has not been easy. I thought the rise of Tea Party represented the darkest days of the GOP. Nope, it got worse...

Any affiliation with the hate-mongering of the Republican party is antithetical to everything we've built. A closed-minded, conservative, pessimistic view hoping to drag the country backwards.

The Republicans are becoming the party of rural districts, blue-collar workers and mostly less-educated, elderly white men — who support a closed system of controls on trade, immigration and perhaps even technology.
-Fareed Zakaria
This proposal is to un-register as a member of the Republican party. Instead of claiming allegiance to that rotting organization I will post all political questions directly to the shareholders.

Yes - 3756.0

aaronpk 1073.0
Josh Berezin 615.0
Marcus 260.0
mathowie 200.0
Jona Bechtolt 182.0
chrishiggins 157.0
Ryan Feigh 131.0
bertrandom 108.0
wandersean 105.0
manzalawy 100.0
WinSolstice 74.0
Robby Russell 65.0
Oskar 60.0
Matthew Spencer 59.0
Anjou Wu 46.0
awmahan 40.0
spy1d 25.0
patr1ck 25.0
adamd 23.0
Mia Nolting 20.0
supremelord 20.0
Azure Akamay 20.0
Willow McC. 19.0
CelestiaGrace 19.0
mberezin 16.0
Dan Revel 15.0
mikew 15.0
smtlaissezfaire 14.0
nickdouglas 13.0
pvong 13.0
aharris 12.0
joshuaberger 11.0
stan 10.0
Lexx 10.0
geelling 10.0
joshuajabbour 10.0
molly 9.0
egli 9.0
gwguffey 8.0
rmulhern 7.0
jkmilli 7.0
freddy 6.0
Jos 6.0
J A E 6.0
ilynam 6.0
valeavy 5.0
mbrooks 5.0
reifi 5.0
beau 5.0
The Fake KMikeyM 5.0
z-archer 5.0
Calous 4.0
4005siw 4.0
worldkiss 4.0
Pat Castaldo 4.0
smont 3.0
ocp 3.0
Migin 3.0
Flowk5 3.0
wwwhitney 3.0
Lisa 2.0
Greg Maletic 2.0
skjain2 2.0
E*Rock 2.0
KevinGabbert 2.0
paulcpederson 2.0
spurgeon 2.0
ceamba 2.0
DanielFM 2.0
gkoberger 2.0
Erik 2.0
jeffweiss 2.0
andrewglass1 1.0
james 1.0
patewilliam 1.0
garrett 1.0
viciouskris 1.0
caleblack 1.0
kitschpatrol 1.0
CravenAcquisitionsLLC 1.0
Frederick 1.0
JDutil 1.0
estapler 1.0
Gary Pratt 1.0
Progress 0.0
dan 0.0

No - 522.0

GeneM 315.0
Matthew Stadler 100.0
xakxrusx 32.0
Thomas King 24.0
Abraham Ingle 22.0
hoytster 12.0
TCrawley40 7.0
keferl 4.0
theangryoctopus 3.0
Danjayson 2.0
raymond69 1.0