[C7G] Education Part 6 of 6: Structures & Strategies

Posted on January 10, 2014


(VID213) This studio course focuses on developing a critical awareness of the techniques and conventions that structure our experience of fiction and nonfiction video. The first section of the course is a close examination of how the components of video combine to yield an overall sense of form: narrative, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound. The next two sections of the course investigate a variety of modes of making and thinking about video, including histories and traditions within the medium, as well as critical and theoretical frameworks. Through studio projects, critiques, readings, written assignments, lectures, screenings, class visits from specialists, and ongoing reflection, students will develop a common vocabulary and base of knowledge from which to continue further study of video and sound.

Yes - 1183.0

aaronpk 554.0
arijkem 200.0
Josh Berezin 187.0
Ryan Feigh 65.0
ritchey 60.0
Gene 56.0
jacobbarssbailey 11.0
joshuajabbour 10.0
Leela 10.0
stan 5.0
molly 5.0
The Fake KMikeyM 5.0
artfuldodger 3.0
kbakermemphis 3.0
dwitte 3.0
ben e 2.0
huntbk 2.0
Deleanor 1.0
pvong 1.0

No - 265.0

Matthew Stadler 100.0
Curt 38.0
awmahan 30.0
Anjou Wu 22.0
Tallguyllc 12.0
vickpr 12.0
Rylaan 8.0
raymondc 7.0
ilynam 5.0
Dan Revel 5.0
highrez2 5.0
worldkiss 3.0
T.R. Alviani 3.0
Buddel 2.0
Erik 2.0
4005siw 2.0
beaubien 1.0
jabruder 1.0
amcdonald 1.0
johnzeiger 1.0
WJN 1.0
mderyugina 1.0
Radford 1.0
pdc 1.0
JDutil 1.0