Sharing Genetic Data
Posted on May 5, 2010
Description: purchased a genetic testing kit for Mike Merrill for $99 (normally priced at $499) from This information will be presented to the shareholders, giving a unique insight into the genetics of their investment. Will your investment suffer from Celiac disease? Age-related macular degeneration? Restless legs syndrome? Now you will know!
The United States passed the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, or GINA, in 2008. This law protects Americans from discrimination in health insurance and employment decisions.
While I am excited to share this information with KmikeyM shareholders, I am not sure if this information should be shared with potential shareholders. That is, should this information be made totally public, or should it remain a privilege of ownership?
Should the genetic information of K. Michael Merrill be made public?
I would appreciate your input on this matter and I look forward to sharing my genetic information with the shareholders.