Project Reorganization
Posted on January 20, 2018
The last vote was a nail biter. I asked you to grant me project bankruptcy — meaning, I could walk away from all the unfinished ventures that you’ve approved over the last several years. The vote was rejected by a margin of 8 per cent. You vividly debated the proposal in the comments section, which I read with gratitude and curiosity. Based on your guidance, I’ve come up with a new vote. But before I get to that, let me outline my main takeaways from your comments.
- Instead of bankruptcy, Chapter 7, we will act in the spirit of Chapter 11. This means a reorganization of “project debt”, rather than a wholesale liquidation. Thank you to shareholder 178, Dave Hayden, for that suggestion.
- There was a big push for projects to be time bound, rather than open-ended. An example of this is was the ambiguously expressed vote that I “learn how to play the piano.” Unspecific language and opaque intent creates an impossibility to close out the endeavor, as there is no set end point. Moving forward, proposals will have a precisely defined criteria for success.
- The vote also told me that you want more granular accountability regarding project progress. To that end, I’ve created an Airtable (LINK) where I’ve listed every project by its current status.
Proposal: I will reduce the number of active projects — currently at a bloated 16 — to 4 or fewer. During this transition, shareholder 19, Marcus Estes, will check in with me at the end of every month to ensure I am working diligently to attain my goal. To keep the shareholders abreast of my progress, the Airtable will remain public and accessible indefinitely.